sh mold APPS 应用

TV remote control for Samsung 1
sh mold APPS
Configuration : une fois Remote ControlTVinstallée, l'utilisateur se doit de le configurer de manière àceque celui-ci soit synchronisé avec la télévision. Pour ce faire,ils'agit de suivre les différentes instructions et passerparquelques étapes simples.Commande : Remote Control TV est en mesure de remplacerlatélécommande de la télé. Cette application est unevéritabletélécommande universelle et elle prend en charge un grandnombre demarques et de modèles de téléviseurs.Contrôle optimisé : cette application offre une plusgrandefacilité de contrôle de la télé. En effet, elle afficheuniquementles principaux boutons de contrôle comme le boutond'allumage, lecontrôle du volume et les fonctions de changement dechaine.Configuration: OnceTVRemote Control installed, the user must configure it so that itissynchronized with the TV. To do this is to follow thevariousinstructions and go through a few simple steps.Control: Remote Control TV is able to replace the TV remote.Thisapplication is a true universal remote control and supports alargenumber of brands and models of TVs.optimized control: This application offers greater ease oftelecontrol. Indeed, it shows only the main control buttons asthepower button, volume control and channel change functions.
Satellite Director/SatFinder 1.5.12
sh mold APPS
Satellite Director / SatFinder is ideal toaccompany you through the installation steps and pointing yourindividual dish. It gives you the how to do it yourself installingyour satellite dish. It calculates the settings and brings you thenecessary information for each step for fast and simpleinstallation. Do not wait, download the app now!Unfortunately you need to calibrate the compass before usingit.metal covers / cases or covers / metal case with magnetic closure /influence / disturb the compass of your phone or tablet. Do not usethese blankets !! The compass of your phone can also get inaccuratebecause it is affected by other electro - magnetic fields orbecause it is weakened by age. Calibrating the compass can not helpit.PRECISION depends on the quality of your phones MATERIAL.Warning: If you use CyanogenMod / CYMOD then you may encountercompatibility issues and Android application may not work. Youshould complain to CyanogenMod / CYMOD and not me.The new phones with Android 4: in the case of a bad compassreading "Settings" screen has options to correct compass readings!!!!*****************************************************How it works ?is a tool that will help you set up a satellite dish. It will giveyou azimuth, elevation and LNB tilt for your location (based onGPS) and satellite selected from the list. The result is shown bothas numeric and graphic data on Google maps. He also built incompass to help you find the appropriate satellite azimuth. It canalso use augmented reality to show where is satellite on cameraview.The list of satellites is complete with all television satellite,then the application should work worldwide. If you found errorsplease send me an email. It will help me to improve thisapp;)Since version 1.07 there is whole world FTA and encrypted basedchannels. It takes a few seconds to display the entire list bepatient. It uses an Internet connection. Top 10 countries have seton the beautiful language list. The list will be updated. Users ofanother country can enter language textbook.Just enable the GPS in your phone or enter your GPS position,select the desired TV satellite and point your phone to the sky totarget (find) the TV satellite. You found the satellite when thewhite ball is in the white circle and the cyan ball is in the cyancircle. Align, azimuth, the offset arm of the satellite dish to thecyan arrow on the screen phones and the dish is aligned in azimuthwith the satellite.Selectable audio tone, camera preview, continuous mode (no pause),color pickers or a user-defined satellite position may be easierfor you to find the desired TV satellite. The satellite listcontains 280 satellites.Optionally, you can take a pictureOptional: you can get an indication when you are near iron (dish /pole) in the form of a yellow green bar / red /.************************************If you like Satellite Pointer, we note support us 5 stars on theApp Store..Thank you for using the app "Satellite Director / SatFinder"
sh mold APPS
ish Remote and free television channels oneofthe best app which provide you with a TV .or IR WIFI remote.youcandownload our application and use the smartphone as a TVremote.alsowe provide services DTH / Dish DISH free / Remote DTHuniversal TVand receiver, our application is a universal remote foryour TV,Its totally free.Download our application and turn yoursmartphonefor the DTH receiver / DISH, it detects all connectionscloths andconnect with the selected once connected, you can use theremotecontrol with your remote app.turn our smartphone to your TVAndroidsmartyou can order your Smart TV with our remote TV remote .thisisuniversal and you can manage any brand of TV, and we addedalmostevery dish or DTH (direct to home) connections withintheapplication, check your connections with our tv or download theappand enjoy turning your smartphone smart.Download our application and turn your smartphone for theDTHreceiver / DISH, it detects all connections cloths and connectwiththe selected once connected, you can use the remote controlwithyour remote app.turn our smartphone to your TV Androidsmartyou can order your Smart TV with our remote TV remote .thisisuniversal and you can manage any brand of TV, and we addedalmostevery dish or DTH (direct to home) connections withintheapplication, check your connections with our tv or download theappand enjoy turning your smartphone smart.
Climatiseur Télécommande LG 1.0
sh mold APPS
Climatiseur Télécommande LGCette application a la possibilité de régler la température(endegrés Celsius), définir le type de ventilateur, chemin chaudoufroid, même l'option de sommeil.A / C à distance Climatiseur universel, est une applicationquivous permet de contrôler les options de base devotreclimatiseur.Cette application a la possibilité de régler la température(endegrés Celsius), définir le type de ventilateur, chemin chaudoufroid, même l'option de sommeil.Traduire la description en anglais en utilisant GoogleTranslate?Traduireclimatiseur LG Air Magic WindowLG Air ConditionerRemoteControlThis application has the ability to adjust the temperature(indegrees Celsius), define the type of fan, hot or cold way, eventhesleep option.A / C Universal Remote Air Conditioning, is an applicationthatlets you control the basic options of your air conditioner.This application has the ability to adjust the temperature(indegrees Celsius), define the type of fan, hot or cold way, eventhesleep option.Translate the description into English using GoogleTranslate?TranslateAir conditioner LG Magic Window
SatFinder/Satellite Pro 3.1.3
sh mold APPS
SatFinder WeZY is a tool for findingTVsatellites and aligning satellite.Use your point of view the reality of increased camera to seeandtarget satellites in the sky. It can be used anywhere in theworldas all major television satellites are in thedatabase.Ability tomanually enter latitude and longitude locationdetails in caseLocation can not be automatically determined incase of "noconnectivity.SatFinder WeZY uses your phone sensors to detect yourphysicallocation and calculates azimuth and elevation needed foryoursatellite antenna to faceUse your camera for Augmented Reality View which paintsthesatellite icons in places where they are positioned in thesky
XRay Full Body Prank 2.1.2
sh mold APPS
XRay Full Body Prank this applicationsimulatorjoke, where you can scan different parts of the body as ajoke! Thegame uses a camera to a more realistic effect!This application is intended solely for entertainment purposesanddoes not provide true X-RayXRay Full Body Prank App can control the movement by touchingthescreen of your phone, scroll your finger scrolls the screenraySkeleton x, editing will reverse the scrolling movement.This is a fake X-Ray Body Scanner, not a real X-ray
Télécommande pour LG 3.5
sh mold APPS
L'application est compatible uniquementavecles Smart TV LG qui sont libérés en 2012 ou plus tard. Sivouspossédez un Smart TV LG publié en 2011 ou avant, s'il vousplaîtutiliser le "TV LG à distance 2011" de l'application.Vous pouvez utiliser LG TV Remote après jumelant votre téléviseuretles appareils mobiles à travers le même réseau WiFi.La fonction TV Mini pourrait ne pas être disponible pourcertainscanaux en raison de la fourniture de contenu en vertudesrèglements de protection contre la copie.***************** Modèles pris en charge*****************12 TVLM9600, LM9500, LM9400, LM8600, LMG860, LM76XX,LM67XX, LM66XX, LM64XX, LM6300, LM62XX, LM6100,LM5900, LS5800, LS57XX, PA6900, PA4700 Series’13 TVLA9700, LA9600, LA8800, LA86XX, LA7900, LA74XX,LA7100, LA69XX, LA6800, LA66XX, LA6500, LA64XX,LA62XX, LN61XX, LN57XX, LN570B, PH67XX, PH6600,PN6700, PN5700, PH4700, PN4700 SeriesUB83XX, UB82XX,LB57XX, LB58XX, LB49xx,PB69xx, PB66xx’14 TVUB80XX, UB82XX, UB83XX, UB92XXLB49XX, LB57XX, LB58XX, LB61XXPB65XX, PB66XX, PB69XX● TV Control volume avec les touches latérales● Continue bouton presse manutention pour le volume / programme/gauche-droite-haut-bas boutons● sélection manuelle de la langue● Arabe, chinois, japonais, danois, suédois, allemand,espagnol,français, italien, coréen, néerlandais, norvégien,polonais,portugais, russe, tamoul, télougou, thaï, turc, ukrainien,tchèque,grec, finlandais, hongrois, slovène, catalan, serbe,hébreusoutenu● Automatic discovery● Contrôlez votre téléviseur à partir de n'importe où dans lemonde(via réseau avec redirection de port dans votre routeur)● Test de la connexion de votre téléviseur(utile dans les cas oùiln'ya pas d'accès physique disponible sur votre TV)● Choisissez mobiles "Plein écran" / "écran avec barre detitre"caractéristique● Manuel paramètres adresse IP
DISH / DTH Romote 2.0
sh mold APPS
DISH / DTH Romote control DTH App letsyoucontrol and manage the menu and the option of your TV.TV supported:• Samsung and Toshiba TVs.• Lenovo and Sony TVs.• Lg tv remote and apple tv remote control battery.With this application you can control most TV worked by IRoroptional wireless remote and Apple TV if you can not workoursupport contact us.Enjoy with application "DISH / DTH Romte wezy" and see howtoprogram remote directv tv.Download our application and turn your smartphone for theDTHreceiver / DISH, it detects all connections cloths and connectwiththe selected once connected, you can use the remote controlwithyour remote app.turn our smartphone to your TV Androidsmartyou can order your Smart TV with our remote TV remote .thisisuniversal and you can manage any brand of TV, and we addedalmostevery dish or DTH (direct to home) connections withintheapplication, check your connections with our tv or download theappand enjoy turning your smartphone smart.
Eye Color Changer WeeZy 1.0
sh mold APPS
Eye Color Changer WeeZy Changer estemballéavec des effets photo-réalistes telles que les contactsstandardsde couleurs, des contacts exotiques, des effetsoculaireseffrayants, et les yeux alien / animal pour ne nommerquequelques-uns. Il est également livré avec notre option préférée!C'est vrai, vous pouvez créer votre propre effet de couleurdesyeux en téléchargeant une photo d'un ami, un animal decompagnie,ou toute autre chose que vous aimez! Comme un bonussupplémentaire,vous pouvez également dessiner sur elle! Vous devezcertainementfaire un essai aujourd'hui!★★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★★Caractéristiques ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★  " Simuler des centaines de couleurs des yeuxphoto-réalistessur la photo  " Plus de 150 couleurs des yeux (simple, marbre,électriques,spécifications, exotique, animal, étranger, et plusencore !!)  " Créez votre propre couleur des yeux de la galeriedephotos  " Réglez l'opacité de chaque effet de la couleurdesyeux " Ajouter une photo de la galerie photo, Facebook, etlacaméra  " la détection de l'oeil et le réglage automatique" Réglage de la luminosité et du contraste" Envoyer photo à la galerie  " Partager photo sur Facebook ou autre réseau social
Smart Compass digital 1.00
sh mold APPS
Smart Compass digital is easy to use; justuseit like a real compass. Compass app is more than justshowingdegrees and north, south, east and west. I have designedCompasswith user experience in mind, large numbers and easy toreaddesign. Compass also allows you to set your directions byrotatingthe bezel for easier and professional navigation.How to use:" the smart phone has a magnetometer" Simple to use, use it like a real compass" Keep your phone parallel to the ground and turned toward theredarrow that you want to define" Compass will display on-screen directions and degrees." Keep the device away from metal objects, machinery and wherehighmagnetic field to avoid false resultsApplications Smart Compass digital, digital compass to helpyoudetermine the direction quickly and accurately.note:- Professional design- The dampened compass card, which swings naturally, orientatesyouwith just one glance.- A decimal bearing provides detailed direction.- A cardinal bearing gives you a quick way of expressinggeneraldirection toothers.- Magnetic and true north are available, the app automaticallytakescare of variation.- Incredibly smooth movements- No internet connection required.- Support many languag
Display Key car 1.0.1
sh mold APPS
This is a fun app to fool your friends thatyouare a car owner, key Simulator Prank locking car is afreeapplication, with very good sound quality of the car lock, youcanlock or unlock your car with your phone, use the simulator.Car remote key displays 3 buttons as followsLock buttonUnlock buttonSound toggle buttonToyotaBMWVolkswagenMercedes-BenzHondaNissanGuéPorscheHyundai MotorsRenaultPeugeotAudiChevroletKia MotorsSuzukiDécretDaimlerGeneral MotorsMazdaLand RoverGMCCitroënMINISubaruLexusFerrariHarley DavidsonMitsubishi MotorsDongfeng MotorVolvoIsuzuHinoDaihatsuSAICOpelKenworthJeepScaniaLincolnGreat Wall MotorsEsquiveTata MotorsAcuraBentleySkodaChryslerCamions RAMBuickMahindra et MahindraPang Da AutomobileChanganInfinitiFutéFAWRenault TrucksCadillacMaruti SuzukiPontiacJaguar
sh mold APPS
With this application you can control mostTVworked by IR or optional wireless remote and Apple TV if youcannot work our support contact us.Enjoy with application "DISH/DTH TV REMOTE UNIVERSAL" and see howtoprogram remote directv tv.*****************************************************************************************************Some of the Supported DTH/DISH connectionsDish TV,TataSky,Airtel,Sun Direct,DDFreeDish,Videocon,Reliance,BigTv,PittsburghInternationalTelecommunications,DirecTV,DISHNetwork,Comcast,Glorystar,Spiritcast,SkyAngel,GlobeCast WorldTV,Home2US,AT &T U-Verse,VerizonFiOS,Indovision ,CanalDigital,Viasat,ABSat,CanalSat,TPS,BISTV,FRANSAT,TNTSAT,CanalDigital,Viasat,MagtiCom,Sky Deutschland,NOVAGreece,OTE TVGreece,Digi TV,UPC Direct,T-home,HelloHD,AustriaSatMagyarország,Sky,Saorsat,SkyItalia,TéléSATLuxembourg,CanalDigitaal,CanalDigital,Viasat,CyfrowyPolsat,nc+,Portugal[edit],ZON TV Cabo,MEOSatélite,Orange TV,DigiTV,Dolce,D-Smart,Sky,Freesat,iSatLTD,VirginMedia,Ukraine[edit],NTV Plus Ukraine,ViasatUkraine,ВОЛЯ(Cable),Максимум ТВ (MITRIS),Xtra TV,BellTV,ShawDirect,Spiritcast,Glorystar,Telus TV,DirecTV,Antina,TuvesHD,InterSatelital Bolivia,SKY Brasil,Vivo TV,Claro TV,OiTV,GVTTV,Telefónica TV Digital,DirecTV,Claro TV,MovistarTVHogar,DirecTV,Tuves HD,DirecTV,Peru[edit],CableMágicoSatelital,DirecTV Latin America,TuvesHD,TuvesHD,DirecTV,DirecTV,Movistar Venezuela,SKYMéxico,DishMéxico,Cablevisión México, TransVision,Aora TVsatelit,Skynindo,BigTV,Orange,K-Vision,Topas TV,IRIB,yes,SKYPerfecTV!,Astro,DDishTVLLC,UNITEL DTH,Dish Home,Dream SatelliteTV,G Sat,Cignal DigitalTV,Skylife,Dialog TV,Peo TV,DishLanka,TrueVisions,GMM Z,CTH,TOTIPTV,Sky NetDTH,Austar,Foxtel,SelecTV,UBIWorldTV,VAST,SKY,Freeview,Euro1080,Digit-Alb,SkyÖsterreich,ORF,Austriasat,TVVlaanderen Digitaal,TéléSATNumérique,Belgium SatelliteServices,Vivacom TV,Bulsatcom,MTel,DigiTV,SEEMORE,NOVACyprus,SkyLink,CSLink,Digi TV,UPC Direct,FocusSat,Kosmos TV,NTVPlus,Orion Express,RIKOR TV,Russian TVTime,Tricolor TV Sibir,NTVPlus Vostok,TricolorTV,Serbia[edit],Digi TV,TotalTV,Digi TV,MagioSat,Skylink,CSLink,UPC Direct,Digital+,CanalDigital,Viasat,Satellite MediaSwitzerland,GLOBCOSSwitzerland,Digiturk
remote control for Samsung 1.1
sh mold APPS
Configuration: Once Remote Control TVisinstalled, the user must configure it so that it issynchronizedwith the television. To do this, follow the variousinstructionsand go through a few simple steps.Control: Remote Control TV is able to replace the remote controlofthe TV. This application is a true universal remote controlandsupports a large number of brands and models oftelevisions.Optimized control: this application offers a greater ease ofcontrolof the TV. It displays only the main control buttons suchas theignition button, volume control, and channel changefunctions.